UK based artist Mutsuki Hitomi with strong background of art which graduated in MA of Fine Art.I had experience in freelance illustration works, including novel/book cover, inner page illustration, fanart and original character design.
I am also a creative and imaginative person, with aesthetic eyes which enable me to appreciate art and beauty, and to create something aesthetically pleasing.
Commission Sheet
Illustration/novel or book cover/fanart/character design
Simple objects: £15 [US$18]
Head/face only(simple colour background): £35(1 character)/£45(2 characters) [US$42/US$54]
Half body(simple colour background): £40(1 character)/£55(2 characters) [US$47/US$65]
Full body(simple colour background): £50(1 character)/£65(2 characters) [US$60/US$77]
Book cover/Illustration : £80 [US$94](1 character)/£95 [US$114](2 characters)-with book name and author
<for commercial use(Total Price X2.5)>
Chibi: Head/face only(simple colour background): £15[US$18](1 character)/£20[US$24](2 characters)
Half body(simple colour background): £20[US$24](1 character)/£38[US$45](2 characters)
Full body(simple colour background): £27[US$32](1 character)/£50[US$60](2 characters)
All price for simple colour background, complicate background or more characters will need additional fee
Process:Draft(50% deposit)>Line art>Finished art with watermark(rest 50% payment)>Without watermark version
-Accept PayPal only (UK accept local bank transfer)
-For personal use only, commercial use add £90[US$107]
-May take 3-6 days
-Maximum 2 revisions (include draft/line art/final work)
-Additional fee: extra revision £30[US$36] each, additional figures £50[US$60] each, for commercial use (Total Price X2.5), sources file (psd/ai) £50[US$60], complicate background £80[US$94] up
-I reserve the right to the art work and will post on my page
-Need 50% deposit with finished draft, will provide line art to confirm, and pay the rest 50% once confirmed the finished art with watermark
-Will send JPEG or PNG without watermark via email after received the final payment
Really appreciate to follow my page if you like my works
Contact Email: mutsuki.hitomi@gmail.com

小物件單色背景: NT400
大頭單人單色背景: NT1000
半身單色背景: 單人NT1500/雙人NT3000
全身單色背景: NT2000/雙人NT3500
封面/插圖: 單人單色背景NT3000/雙人單色背景NT5500
<商用(總額X 2.5)>
Q版: 單人大頭NT500/半身NT800/全身NT1000
-另外收費項目: 額外修改每次 NT1000,額外角色 NT2500,商業用途 (總額X 2.5),另加簡單背景 NT3000起 (需視複雜度再議),其他要求可另議。
聯絡電郵: mutsuki.hitomi@gmail.com

Please get in touch for more information about Mutsuki Hitomi, to discuss possible collaborations, or for any media inquiries.